Professor for a Week! Unbound in Rome with Neal Lozano and Jacqueline Harper


Jacqueline hosts Neal as he shares about speaking in Rome at the Course on the Ministry of Exorcism and Deliverance sponsored by the Sacerdos Institute. Neal presented a non-confrontational approach to deliverance, which is Unbound ministry, to 195 people from 46 countries worldwide. His talks were translated into four languages.

“It was a very different atmosphere for me. They were all professors and they gave me the title professor.” Asking about this, Neal was told, “You’re a professor this week!”

Encouraging listeners to be open to a new way, Neal offered questions to consider: Is it possible that many people are receiving a confrontational style of deliverance or exorcism who do not need one? Is there another approach to help people?

The Unbound approach addresses the person needing help, not the evil one. “We need to understand a person’s heart,” said Neal, adding the necessity to uncover past traumas, responses to traumas, the enemy’s lies, and unforgiveness. “If we give too much attention to the demonic element, we’re going to miss the person. We see Unbound more as a model for evangelization than just deliverance.”

From there, Neal offered numerous testimonials of individuals set free through Unbound ministry, one being himself!

Overall, “It was well-received and I made a connection,” concluded Neal.

Trivia Quiz
1. What surprised Neal the most during his trip to Rome?
2. How long have Jacqueline and Neal known each other?
Find out these things and far more in this fascinating episode!

Sjoquist, B.S. (2021) “The virtuous use of private exorcism by laypersons,” Antiphon: A Journal for Liturgical Renewal, 25(1), pp. 63–90.

It is not intrinsically immoral for laypersons to issue such commands, and, if done rightly, it is virtuous for them to do so. Moral theologians and canonists writing after the Council of Trent up until the Second Vatican Council referred to this practice as “private exorcism.” A close look at the writings of these authors reveals a nearly universal understanding that no ecclesiastical positive law prohibited such actions. When current laws and instructions related to exorcism are read within the context of this tradition, I believe it is also the case that no ecclesiastical positive law categorically prohibits such actions today.

Bradley S. Sjoquist, Doctor of Moral Theology

Dr. Mary Healy on the authority of lay people to command or cast out

Speaker: Neal Lozano, Jacqueline Harper

May 23, 2024

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