
Unbound Ministry has been in over 20 countries, invited into over 25 Dioceses, AND taught in 7 seminaries.   

Unbound: A Practical Guide to deliverance has been translated into 21 languages. 

Read what leaders around the world are saying about this life-changing application of the Gospel that has been leading believers to the Father for over 20 years. 

Peter Herbeck

Renewal Ministries - Ann Arbor, MI

"The conference Neal Lozano presents on deliverance training is a very practical, timely answer to ministry needs in the church today. It is the kind of practical teaching and training both clergy and lay leaders in the church need to help those in their care."

Msgr. Ralph Chieffo

St. Mary Magdalen - Media, PA

"The Unbound Conference, Unbound materials, and my friendship with Neal and Janet Lozano over the years has helped me to draw near to our Lord and Savior. The Five Keys of Unbound releases the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit who helps us overcome sin and evil."

Leadership Team, River Fellowship

Podolinec, Slovakia

"The conference was exactly what we needed. Neal put the ministry of deliverance into normal everyday life. The whole conference created an atmosphere of friendship and love, and this gave people the courage to ask for prayer. We thank Neal for his humility, openness, and generosity in sharing with us what God has given to him."

The Most Reverend Charles J. Chaput

Archbishop Emeritus of Philadelphia

"Unbound Ministry is a vital part of the new evangelization because, through a simple method of prayer based on the Gospel, it helps us help others in moving beyond their spiritual obstacles into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. This model of deliverance reflects the power of our baptism, which moves us from darkness into the kingdom of God. It promises to be a very fruitful tool in the hands of priests and those involved in parish ministry."

The Most Reverend Christian Riesbeck, CC

Bishop of the Diocese of Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada

"Through the application of the Five Keys, lives have been transformed. Those bound by sin and past hurts can find deep deliverance, healing, and freedom in Christ. They encounter our Lord more powerfully in their lives and acquire practical wisdom to grow in their spiritual lives."

Ed Dean

Former Pastor - Crossroads Nazarene Church

"In ministering to folks from all demographics who are struggling with hurts, habits, and hang-ups, there is nothing more effective than Unbound and the Five Keys to guide them to a place of peace and wholeness."

Mother Katherine Caldwell, TOR

Franciscan Sisters - Toronto, OH

"I began using the Keys when I made a thirty-day retreat to walk through with the Lord the past twenty-five years. It was amazing how God has used this simple tool as a means to manifest His healing, forgiveness, and freedom."

The Most Reverend Andrew H. Cozzens

Bishop of the Diocese of Crookston, MN

"This has been a great resource for those who come to the parish in need of deeper deliverance and healing. These teams now pray at least weekly with people from the Archdiocese."