Infused with Hope: Insights from Janet Lozano and Lisa Livezey

Amidst the cold of winter, enjoy warm conversation and memories shared by Janet and Lisa as they discuss Romans 5:1-2, 5-8.
God poured out His Word into our hearts. Pouring relates to our baptism and God himself infuses the virtues of faith, hope, and love into us when we are open to receive them.
Through our faith, we rejoice in hope. Janet explains the difference between hope and optimism.
We hear of an early Unbound session when a deeply painful story brought about weeping by all participating. God’s love was spoken, poured out and the recipient experienced freedom to forgive, saying, “Thank you. Now I have hope!”
Tissues are kept handy in an Unbound session because tears of both sorrow and joy often spring forth. These tears help water the seeds of the gospel.
Listen with us to these deeper examples of hope, love, and faith, and also a lighter story of how Lisa found hope in a gift shop!
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Release: February 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by Henry Aquino