From Outcast to Daughter: Encountering Jesus with Neal Lozano, Lisa Livezey, and Jacqueline Harper

Welcome to the third episode of the Open Doors Lenten podcast series covering various Stories of Conversion. This week, Neal, Lisa, and Jacqueline gather for a poignant dialogue surrounding the story of a woman healed from twelve years of hemorrhaging. The profound poverty of this woman is discussed and why the constraints of the Levitical Law would have caused her such desperation.
“And then she heard about Jesus,” says Neal, “And she grabs hold of it!” The woman verbalizes her belief that Jesus can heal her and merges herself into the throng to merely touch his cloak.
The idea of preparation is discussed within the story and related to preparing for an Unbound session. What should we focus on if we aren’t sure what the Holy Spirit is showing us? Neal emphasizes how verbalizing something brings about conviction.
The words of Jesus have such meaning here – words like the question, “Who touched me?” and the reassurance, “Daughter, your faith has saved you.” The woman – an individual in the crowd – was healed, yes, but more importantly touched by the Father’s love. Neal reminds us that as we hear, we can then respond, take a risk, receive, and give testimony.
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Release: March 2025
Music by Christian Harper
Production by Christian Harper