Cloaked in the Moment: A Palm Sunday Reflection With Matt Lozano and Lisa Livezey

As we approach Palm Sunday, Matt and Lisa discuss the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem from Mark 11: 1-10.
See parallels to the crowning of King Solomon, who was placed on David’s mule and cloaks laid down. What was symbolized by laying down cloaks before Jesus?
Zechariah 9 prophecies about the king entering on a colt. What might have been the hidden meaning behind the unridden colt?
Matt continues offering intriguing, thought-provoking questions:
Why were the people so excited? Why did Jesus suddenly allow a dramatic display of his kingship? Where do we picture ourselves in the triumphal entry scene and why? What might Jesus have been thinking as he was riding through Jerusalem?
Why does the story close in an anticlimactic way?
Enjoy Matt and Lisa’s answers to these questions and discover where in the story they picture themselves. Where do you place yourself in this sacred scene from Mark 11?
In closing, we pray together the Prayer of Abandonment by Charles de Foucauld.
You won’t want to miss this final episode in our 2024 Lenten Reflection Series.
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Release: March 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by Henry Aquino