Stories of Freedom: Fr. Boniface Hicks' 2017 Interview of Bishop David O'Connell on WAOB Radio

During the next few weeks, we're going to be reflecting on the Lenten gospel passages and having some special guests as well, so that we can really prepare ourselves for this season.
Today though, we want to do something a little different. Recently, all of us at Heart of the Father Ministries were shocked and saddened by the news of the tragic death of Bishop David O'Connell, an Auxiliary Bishop in the Diocese of Los Angeles. Bishop Dave was a servant of the poor, the immigrant, and the marginalized.
He spent most of his priesthood loving the people in the city of Los Angeles. He had a tremendous sense of humor and a warmth for everyone he met. Bishop Dave was a friend of ours and an enthusiastic supporter of Unbound. He hosted two Unbound priest retreats in his diocese, and he never hesitated to share his testimony about how he experienced freedom when a friend ministered to him using the Five Keys.
So in this episode, we share with you a beautiful interview Father Boniface Hicks OSB did with Bishop Dave in 2017 on WAOB Radio. Bishop Dave tells his story of freedom and talks about the great need people have for deliverance in their lives. We know you'll be blessed to hear Bishop Dave, and we just want to honor and thank God for his life.
Well done. Good and faithful servant David O'Connell.
Thank you Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB.
Interview used with the permission of WAOB (We Are One Body) Radio.
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Release: March 2023
Music by Christian Harper.
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm at Command-S