Unbound Ministry Guidelines

Unbound Ministry® Guidelines help ministry teams and leaders provide safe, loving, and authentic Unbound ministry according to the principles and practices taught by Heart of the Father Ministries®.

by Matt Lozano on April 10, 2024

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The purpose of these guidelines is to help ministry teams and leaders provide safe, loving, and authentic Unbound ministry according to the principles and practices taught by Heart of the Father Ministries®.

Every team or individual who uses the name “Unbound ministry” to describe their ministry is expected follow these guidelines. If you cannot follow these guidelines, please do not call it Unbound ministry.

It is not the purpose of these guidelines to govern the informal use of the Five Keys by individuals who minister to friends, relatives, or people who ask for their help.

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Tags: guidelines, unbound, using the unbound name, unbound team, unbound teams, unbound presentation

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