I am excited to announce the release of my new e-book, Unbound Unpacked: The Exorcising Task of the Believer!
EXCITING UPDATE~ the book is now in print and can be found here on our website.
This e-book contains the two presentations I gave in Rome at "The Course on the Ministry of Exorcism and Deliverance." The talks — "Unbound: A Non-Confrontational Approach to Deliverance" and "Unbound Principles and Practices" — were well received by the 200 attendees from nearly 50 nations.
Dr. Mary Healy wrote: This e-book is an excellent introduction to Unbound ministry, which has helped many thousands of Catholics and other Christians around the world experience freedom in Christ. What makes Unbound so effective is that it is simple yet profound, focused on the human person, and solidly rooted in Scripture and Tradition. I hope many more parishes will adopt this powerful tool for the healing of the heart that is so greatly needed today.
My prayerful hope is that Unbound Unpacked will help interested clergy find a pathway to deeper personal freedom, and discover therein a model both for helping and training the people they serve.
Find your copy here.
Read some other Unbound Unpacked endorsements below:
Msgr. Brian Bransfield, S.T.D., Pastor of the Church of St. Joseph, Aston, PA, formerly General Secretary of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops: The five keys of Unbound contain and unlock the missing pieces from what is offered in routine and ordinary spirituality. Engaged patiently with docility to the Holy Spirit, the process of Unbound summons the Holy Spirit to work more deeply releasing us from the effects of old wounds. Unbound Unpacked is a brilliant, user-friendly, easy to read introduction to the Unbound process and to the five keys. A journey into Unbound brings us to new places where God consolidates all the good work He has done in us over the years! Read Unbound Unpacked as the first step on that journey!
Most Reverend Myron J. Cotta, Bishop of Stockton, CA: Unbound Unpacked presents a healing and pastoral approach to deliverance ministry. It is about -evangelization-confronting sin and discovering and claiming the power and freedom found in Jesus.
Most Reverend Jeffrey Grob, Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago, IL: Neal Lozano, through the development of the Unbound Model, offers as he himself describes a “non-confrontational approach to deliverance.” In fact, what Neal provides is the means to speak to the human heart a word of truth that has been discerned through prayer and that brings with it God’s healing love and liberation. In this concise publication, the reader is drawn into the work of evangelization, rather than a toe to toe dance with the devil. Neal rightly focuses us on Jesus Christ and a restored order that has been established through the coming of God’s kingdom.
Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, President of Franciscan University of Steubenville: As baptized Catholic Christians, we are all invited to participate in the work of Jesus Christ. This isn’t for a select few but for all baptized. I believe one of the greatest gifts of Jesus as well as the work of Jesus is freedom. Jesus came to set us free. Sadly, if the Kingdom of God is about freedom, then the kingdom of the world, or darkness is about bondage, slavery and sadly, too many of God’s children are not experiencing the Freedom of God. For decades, Neal Lozano has been walking people into the healing freedom of Jesus. In this most recent book, Neal walks with reader in the most succinct way how we can come to know this freedom. Operating with a solid theological foundation and appropriate pastoral sensitivities, Neal both teaches and demonstrates how the reader can experience the transformative power of Jesus by experiencing freedom from the powers of the enemy.
Most Reverend David L. Toups, Bishop of Beaumont, TX: Neal Lozano presents the beauty of the liberating power of Jesus Christ through prayer in a clear and concise manner. The Unbound program leads to greater freedom by allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal and heal hidden wounds of the heart and soul. At its core, Unbound is an evangelization tool to lead people to Jesus. May this faith-filled program lead many to healing and restoration in Christ.