Unbound Ministry Leader Observation Sheet

Unbound Ministry ® Leader Observation Form was created to offer both the trainer and the leader being observed to have a guideline of main points to be remembered during an Unbound session. It will help the leader to make sure that what they are offering the person coming for ministry is the Unbound model.

by Rachel Lozano on April 04, 2022


We are blessed by your pursuit of setting the captives free in the name of Jesus!

The intention of this form is to offer both the trainer and the leader being observed to have a guideline of main points to be remembered during an Unbound session.  It will help the leader to make sure that what they are offering the person coming for ministry is the Unbound model.

Remember, the most important point is that the person receiving an Unbound session is loved.  This objective is above all others.

Your objective as the trainer is to give feedback and help the leader grow, but it is also to communicate love and care to the leader.  You are on the same team and want to see the leader succeed.

As you complete this form and then offer feedback, the focus should be on what the leader did well. 

You may have only a couple of areas that need improvement or you may have a whole list.  When offering feedback it is best to limit the number of areas that need improvement to 3 or 4, so that the leader does not feel overwhelmed.  Offering only a few areas of improvement, will allow the leader to focus their attention to this during the next session they lead and allow them to see the improvement that they make.

Thank you for joining in this mission with us!

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