
Unbound Catholic Priest Retreat

by Rachel Lozano on August 01, 2022

Join us in giving glory to God! Matt and Neal just returned from presenting an Unbound priest retreat in Wichita, Kansas.

The priest retreat is always a highlight for us. This year, we had twenty participants at the Spiritual Life Center. Fr. Antonio Ritaccio joined Matt and Neal from London and did a fantastic job as Spiritual Director. We are so grateful to partner with such a holy and gifted priest. 

We were invited to Wichita by a rapidly growing Unbound team and two Unbound Priest Retreat alumni. Matt and Neal arrived early on Sunday night so they could meet with the local Unbound team who are hungry to learn and asked great questions. The team has been growing in leaps and bounds as they regularly present Unbound retreats. These gifted leaders will have greater support since so many local priests now understand Unbound. We believe something special is developing that will give God glory!

Priests came from a number of different states, including one who works on a reservation in North Dakota. Bringing Unbound to the reservation is thrilling as we take seriously the call to take Unbound to the nations. We previously worked with Fr. Jude Thaddeus Langeh from Cameroon, but this was the first time for our team to greet him personally. He was able to share the impact Unbound is making in Cameroon and the strategic role the Five Keys played in helping him forgive and be free after the trauma of being kidnapped. (Read his story here.)

In addition to the privilege Matt and Neal had of leading each priest individually through the Five Keys, they were spontaneously asked by “two hungry for God” priests to pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. One gave public testimony to a profound life-changing experience of God’spresence that came upon him. What a joy to have experienced God’s presence as He touched someone so deeply.

Please keep these priests in prayer as they continue to bring the message of freedom to those they serve in Christ.

Tags: catholic, fr. antonio ritaccio, unbound priest retreat


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