
Sacred, holy ground

by Jenn Lozano on June 07, 2022

Thanks to everyone who prayed for Matt during his recent trip to Nigeria. He and our dear friend John Paul Ngotty from Tanzania were there from May 16-25. They trained about 350 leaders in Unbound ministry, sending them back with resources to train others in their deaneries throughout the province of Abuja. 

The highlight for Matt was praying for a woman who worked at the conference and the hotel where they stayed. They sat in the restaurant the night after the conference, and Matt sat next to her as she forgave her husband who had abandoned her and her son while she was early in her pregnancy. To be present to her in that moment as she courageously shared her story and released her pain was such a privilege. In these moments, we can feel the compassionate presence of Jesus. After ministry, she felt like a heavy burden had been lifted.  Thank you Lord for the opportunity to serve and to know God's heart for people.

Deena Van't Hul said that there is an anointing that comes in the quiet place, but there is another anointing that comes on the streets. Matt knows exactly what she means. When you get close to those in pain and open your heart to them, God shares with you His heart, and it is sacred, holy ground.


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