
Beyond Our Imagination

by Janet Lozano on May 13, 2024

It began with an email in January to from Maria, a native Ukrainian speaker who lives in Canada. “I dream of attending your conferences,” she wrote.

In a subsequent email, Maria shared further:

“The first time when my husband and I were watching First Key Conference from Poland on (YouTube), when Neal Lozano was praying, at that time I had closed my eyes, and on the side of wall I saw big image of Jesus, he bends down to me and said clear soft with love ‘‘Come to me my child’’. This phenomenon was unexpected for me, I didn’t even know it could happen. I deeply cried hugging together with my husband.

“We would like to receive an Unbound prayer! We had watched all Five Keys many times… Bishop Mykola Luchok lives in Ukraine, shares his personal experience and explained about the Five Keys in Ukrainian language and it is all very understandable for my husband and me. We pray daily, we go to church every week, we confess to a priest every month, we try not to sin, but it doesn't work… I would like to ask you to receive Unbound prayer over Zoom in Ukrainian if it possible?”

We attempted to connect Maria with a Ukrainian speaker, but the process was slow. Then Maria followed her dream and registered for Spring Conference with her husband and mother. They were driving 26 hours from Canada to Upper Darby, PA. “Would be nice to have somebody who speaks Ukrainian,” she wrote. “If not, we will be happy to attend the Conference and receive The Father's Blessing!” 

On our end, still no Ukrainian speaker. The conference began. 

Friday evening, I was praying mini-sessions and a beautiful young woman named Yana received ministry. Learning she was from Ukraine, I asked if she would translate for two Unbound sessions the next day. Yana was willing!

On Saturday, Yana received her own Unbound session and stayed on for two additional sessions as a Ukrainian translator. She was so excited and blessed to serve that she plans to join the ministry team despite living three hours from Philadelphia!

Now to him who is able to accomplish far more than all we ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. (Eph. 3:20-21 NAB)

Tags: provision, conference, ukraine, unbound ministry


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