
Adventures in Unbound

by Jacqueline Harper on June 16, 2023

So many exciting spring happenings to share with you, we'll only mention a few!

Matt went to Cincinnati, Ohio, to lead an Unbound Training Workshop and a One Day Conference in late April. The ministry team consisted of members of five different Unbound teams from all over Ohio and Kentucky! A great crowd attended and gave wonderful feedback. Many people experienced a new sense of freedom that day.

Then Janet and Neal had a 13-day adventure bringing Unbound to Australia in May. An ecumenical covenant community called the Servants of Jesus invited them. They began their adventure with a Leaders Training for 107 people on Friday and Saturday. We had given them lots of preparation work, and the leaders came ready to receive.

Modeling a session for the leaders went great, even though they were one of the largest groups of intercessors/observers we have ever had. Some of the leaders from the Disciples of Jesus community attended. They had been trained in Unbound Ministry during the pandemic and had only experienced it on Zoom. It was quite a learning experience for them to learn the benefits of how it is done in person. 

Then Neal and Janet participated in their community gathering Sunday where Neal spoke about Father’s Love. On Monday, they spent the day with eighteen priests that traveled from many different places. They were very enthusiastic to learn about Unbound.

The Australian hosts were very generous, taking Neal and Janet to the Blue Mountains, and then driving them to see Sydney and two beaches. Neal and Janet then left their hosts to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, staying for two days at a hotel with a fantastic view of the Sydney harbor, a very special memory!

To their surprise, Neal and Janet came back to find that the number attending the conference had surprisingly grown to 420 people. The Servants of Jesus were shocked at how many people came, especially a group of five ladies who flew from the Philippines (see photo) and those who flew in from other parts of Australia. 

We were so blessed to have time to share life with our Australian brothers and sisters and experience their hospitality, love, and dedication to prayer. Neal and Janet particularly loved to see how they are a trans-generational community with their little babies, children, teenagers, middle-aged and elderly worshipping together, all loving being part of this work of God.

The 24 hours plus of travel was quite challenging, but the Lord was faithful, even giving them an upgrade on their flight.

Not long after Neal returned from Australia, Matt and he led an Unbound Priest Retreat in Boynton Beach, Florida, with ten priests from around the country (and one from Ireland). Their time with the priests was truly rich and filled with grace, and these godly men were left equipped to serve their parishes with Unbound. Here are a couple of their testimonies below:

I’ve always acknowledged that I was a wounded healer. As I helped others heal, I knew I needed healing also.Unbound gives us valuable keys as wounded healers to heal and be better healers.I recommend Unbound with my whole heart to priests who want their ministry to be much richer and their spiritual lives to deepen through an encounter with the Father. Mine did!

- Fr. Norbert Rappold, 24 years ordained

It has been a wonderful grace-filled week and well worth the effort in travelling from Ireland. The teaching on the Five Keys was powerful and the experience of being ministered to was truly liberating. As I prepare to become a pastor in a new parish, this retreat has freed me from the wounds of the past, enabling me to look forward and to embrace my new appointment with joy. I would wholeheartedly encourage all priests to consider attending. The great prize is freedom and the grace to say “yes” to God’s plan for your life and to have a felt experience of the Father’s love.

- Fr. Gabriel Kelly

It is such a blessing that we can continue to do trips like these. We are so grateful for your prayers and support and the confidence that you have shown in us.


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