
Unbound Ministry has been in over 20 countries, invited into over 25 Dioceses, AND taught in 7 seminaries.   

Unbound: A Practical Guide to deliverance has been translated into 22 languages. 

Read what leaders around the world are saying about this life-changing application of the Gospel that has been leading believers to the Father for over 20 years. 

Peter Herbeck

Renewal Ministries - Ann Arbor, MI

"The conference Neal Lozano presents on deliverance training is a very practical, timely answer to ministry needs in the church today. It is the kind of practical teaching and training both clergy and lay leaders in the church need to help those in their care."

Msgr. Ralph Chieffo

St. Mary Magdalen - Media, PA

"The Unbound Conference, Unbound materials, and my friendship with Neal and Janet Lozano over the years has helped me to draw near to our Lord and Savior. The Five Keys® of Unbound releases the grace and guidance of the Holy Spirit who helps us overcome sin and evil."