My experience at the conference was liberating. I have been suffering from tooth pain of various sorts and degrees most of my life. Pain is not the important issue, however.
What was pointed out to me during the conference was my fear of God abandoning me to the pain-- that some day one of these numerous tooth issues would...become too much for me to bear, and I would give up and possibly do something rash. What the Holy Spirit revealed to me was an experience that I had had when I was eight--the first time I remember tooth pain. I was with my parents at my dentist's camp. My dentist and my parents were friends and were planning to go out to dinner. I had an abscess in one of my teeth and told my mother that I was in pain. She told the dentist who said that he would remove the tooth in a couple of days after his vacation. I remember sitting at the bottom of some dark stairs and feeling abandoned as I listened to my parents and dentist laughing as they got ready to go out. Through the insight of the leader, she led me into the knowledge that my fear of being abandoned stemmed from that event.
Through prayer and the Father's blessing, I left the conference assured that God would never abandon me. As fate would have it, since the conference, I have experienced another tooth problem. However, I am at peace with the secure knowledge that God is with me and will get me through it. I wish that I could say that my tooth issues are over, but that is not to be, at least not yet. But I can stand pain when I know that God is in the pain right there with me.
Thank you so much for your ministry.